Consequences of Bad Leadership

john carpenter
3 min readMay 8, 2021

All sentient organisms have one major goal, that being: SURVIVE! Of the “lower” organisms, Instinct dictates their behavior. Meaning, they don’t rationalize, they don’t calculate, they don’t decide, they simply act/react according to the situation. And rarely are they wrong, for them being wrong typically means death. Humans, on the other hand, are both blessed and cursed with a Mind (I call it a “language body”), which, as the human leaves infancy and childhood, overrides Instinct. The record of human behavior shows humans making mistake after mistake after mistake; the fewer mistakes a human makes, the better he/she “survives,” the reverse is painfully true. Now, as animals group to up their survival rate, so do humans, which leads naturally to the matter of leadership. A leader is that individual who decides in which direction the group should/will/must proceed. As said initially, humans are blessed and cursed with a Mind, a “language body”. This “word body” is immensely capable of sending the human both in the direction guaranteeing maximum survival, and the direction guaranteeing a horrible demise. Worse, yet, this word body is immensely capable of tricking itself, fooling itself, being the source of its own problems. Concepts of “Right” and “Wrong”, “Good” and “Bad,” “Useful” and “Useless” in the Mind of the “leader” of a group are crucial to the survival and prosperity of the group. Behavior issuing from those concepts determine the fate of the group being led.

We live in modern times, one of the features of which is the ability to spread information over an enormous territory quickly, even more quickly than the under-educated mind can process it. The problem that causes has but one solution: Spin spin spin spin spin, stop the fucking bullshit! Tell people the truth, all of the truth, lay it out as you fucking well know it, and let people take responsibility for their own actions. So far this whole COVID thing has been a cluster fuck of the first magnitude, a stunning example of piss poor leadership. (COVID as a “kinetic enemy,” America would have been totally fucked without so much as a kiss.) People are acting confused and stupid as a direct reflection of American leadership. The whole Trump thing is a master clinic of behavior designed to tear America to pieces — the follow-on display of so-called leadership, a bunch of wannabee leaders running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Globally, America is a shining example of just how badly a country can be “led.” Here’s an uncomfortable truth: Serendipity gave America the largest military, without which America would be just another Third World country. Given the size of America’s military bolstering America’s piss poor leadership, any country with the same military capability and similar leadership tendencies(ignorance bolstered by EGO), would operate at the same level, more or less, as America is now and has been displaying.

The current G7 bullshit is yet another example of bad leadership. America’s leadership in absolute disarray, yet America stomps over to Europe and tries to rally Europe against the combine of China-Russia, against the backdrop of Europe trying its best to be friendly with both Russia and China, a simple matter of economic necessity, both Russia and China offering far more to Europe than America does or can offer. While America’s propaganda machine, the corporate MSM, runs fullspeed spreading disinformation worldwide at a feverish pace.

Here’s the other uncomfortable truth: A country without nuclear weapons capability is a lamb in the territory of wolves. Countries possessing nuclear weapons capability can obviously defend themselves, their people, their way of life. Some countries choose to extend their territory by way of use of their military capability, in the time-honored tradition of conquest; some countries are content with tending to their own business. In either case, the populace deserves to be accurately informed. How else can the people act responsibly?

